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Help Available for Aviation Sector workers anxious during these uncertain times


With the unprecedented drop in people flying over the past few weeks and airlines dramatically cutting down on staff numbers either by furlough, redundancy, unpaid leave or closure of airlines themselves, workers in at the aviation industry are obviously feeling very anxious during these uncertain times.

Rules, regulations and timelines as to when countries will restart flights have not helped matters and many workers are under considerable financial and relationship strains during the lockdown periods.

The temptation is to sometimes lock oneself away and just see how things pan out.

Mental Health awareness is therefore very important during these times and its important for workers to know that help is available and not just hide.

Talking through current issues with family and friends, other co-workers is a vital way to manage current stresses and strains. Zoom meetings and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are other ways which can be used is a positive way to connect to others where physical contact is not possible or people need a break their current household members.

Assistance services via unions, airlines which are specifically designed to help aircrews and airline employees may be available and thus it is important to contact these organisations to see if they are available.

Citizen Advice Centres, Banks, financial advisors and even landlords, councils can assistant those struggling with financial burdens.

Exercise has been shown scientifically to help with improving mood as has outdoor walks, eating healthier, improving sleep quality and meditation/ mindfulness.

Whilst people may feel that those currently struggling with COVID19 take precedent for medical staff, family doctors and aeromedical examiners are always available to assist aircrews who need their help.

The bottom line is that help is available for people struggling or people who see their family and friends struggling. Don't suffer in silent but search, contact, email and call!!

Some resources are below:

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